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    Army Men: Sarge's Heroes 2 Cheats

    Army Men: Sarge's Heroes 2 Cheats

    Are you looking for some cheats to help you get ahead in Army Men: Sarge's Heroes 2 on the N64? Fortunately, there are several cheats available through using a N64 Portal.

    The most popular cheat is the "Infinite Health" cheat. This allows you to take on any battle without worrying about getting hurt or losing health. With this cheat, you can be sure to reach the end of the game with ease.

    Another great cheat that can be found on N64 Portal is the "All Weapons" cheat. This allows you to have all of the weapons available at your disposal, giving you an advantage over your opponents. With this cheat, you'll have no trouble defeating the toughest enemies.

    The "Unlock All Levels" cheat is also available through the N64 Portal. This cheat will give you access to all levels in the game, allowing you to explore every area and find hidden treasures. With this cheat, you won't miss out on any of the secrets or bonuses.

    One of the best cheats is the "Unlimited Ammo" cheat. This cheat will allow you to never run out of ammunition, making it easier to take down your enemies. With this cheat, you'll be able to take on any challenge without having to worry about running out of ammo.

    The "Invincibility" cheat is another cheat that can be used in Army Men: Sarge's Heroes 2. This cheat will make you invincible, allowing you to take on any enemy without worrying about taking damage. You won't even need to use any special abilities.

    The "Unlimited Lives" cheat is also available through the N64 Portal. This cheat will enable you to keep playing after you lose all of your lives, ensuring that you don't have to start from the beginning. With this cheat, you'll be able to take on any challenge without fear of running out of lives.

    The "Level Select" cheat is also available on the N64 Portal. This cheat will enable you to select any level you want to play, allowing you to choose which levels you'd like to tackle. With this cheat, you won't have to complete the entire game in order to get to the one you want to play.

    The "Debug Mode" cheat is also available through the N64 Portal. This cheat will enable you to access special features and functions, as well as allowing you to modify the game as you see fit. With this cheat, you can really customize your experience and make the game your own.

    Finally, the "Time Freeze" cheat is also available on the N64 Portal. This cheat will allow you to stop time and move around freely while the game pauses. With this cheat, you'll be able to explore all areas of the game without worrying about enemies attacking you.

    So if you're looking for some cheats to help you get ahead in Army Men: Sarge's Heroes 2 on the N64, then look no further than the N64 Portal. With these cheats, you'll be able to take on any challenge and have an edge over your opponents.

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