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    Boris FX Mocha Pro 2019 + Plugins

    Boris FX Mocha Pro 2019 + Plugins

    Boris FX Mocha Pro 2019 + Plugins is a powerful plug-in for editing post-production tasks. It is developed by Boris FX, a leader in digital media effects and motion graphics technology, to increase user productivity, deliver a greater range of creative options, and improve the overall quality of post-production workflows. The new version of the plugin provides integrated Mocha object tracking and motion tracking workflow to seamlessly integrate with Adobe and Avid products seamlessly. It also provides new-generation masking and usage of the highly accurate Mocha object tracking within Adobe and Avid products.

    Boris FX Mocha Pro 2019 + Plugins is an ideal solution for effects artists and video editors who are looking to streamline their workflows and create compelling visuals faster. Users can use the masking tools to isolate objects and add effects such as lighting and shadows with increased accuracy and precision. They can use the powerful Motion Tracker to analyze any camera movement and composite objects correctly. This powerful plugin also includes multiple tracking modes, including corner pins, planar tracking, shape, and manual tracking for creative freedom. Additionally, users can work with Bezier mask splines for organic shapes and rotoscoping tools for precise masking.

    Boris FX also offers an array of powerful plugins that take the Mocha Pro 2019 workflow even further. The Boris FX plugins include advanced features like realistic particle-based effects, lens flares, lens distortion, oil painting and texture effects, chroma keying, motion estimation, and more. These plugins allow users to add cinematic effects to their footage, giving it a professional look.

    Boris FX Mocha Pro 2019 + Plugins is an essential tool for anyone who wants to move beyond basic video editing and add professional results. With its intuitive user interface, powerful tracking and masking capabilities, and a range of post-production plugins, it is the go-to solution for modern video professionals. Boris FX also offers training, tutorials, and support to ensure users get the most out of the software. For anyone looking to take their post-production game to the next level, Boris FX Mocha Pro 2019 + Plugins is the perfect choice.

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    Адрес места осуществления деятельности: 115419, Россия, город Москва, улица Шаболовка, дом 34, Строение 2, Этаж 2, Помещение I, Комнаты 2г, 2 д, 2 е, 2 ж
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