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Super Bomberman 3 Cheats For Super Nintendo
If you're a fan of the classic SNES game, Super Bomberman 3, you know that it can be challenging to master every level. Fortunately, there are cheats available to help you get through the toughest levels. Here is our guide to Super Bomberman 3 cheats for Super Nintendo.
The first cheat to try is the classic "Invincibility Code". To activate this cheat, press Up, Down, Left, Right, A, B, Select, and Start at the same time on the title screen. This will grant you invincibility, allowing you to destroy blocks without taking any damage. You can also use this code to skip certain levels.
Another useful cheat is the "Level Warp" code. To use this cheat, pause the game and enter the following button combination: Up, Down, A, B, Left, Right, Select, and Start. This will warp you to the level of your choice, allowing you to skip past levels that are too difficult.
You can also increase your score by entering the "Score Cheat" code. Enter this code while the game is paused to add 10,000 points to your total score. Just press Up, Down, Left, Right, A, B, X, and Y at the same time. To ensure your score is accurate, make sure you enter the code each time you complete a level.
The last cheat we'll look at is the "Unlock All Levels" code. To use this code, enter Up, Down, Left, Right, B, A, Select, and Start on the title screen. This code will unlock all the levels in the game, allowing you to explore every area without having to work your way through the levels.
These are just some of the many cheats available for Super Bomberman 3. With these cheats, you should be able to get through the most difficult levels in the game with ease. Whether you're looking for invincibility or just want to unlock all the levels, these cheats can help you out. So what are you waiting for? Get playing Bomberman 3!
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